Thursday, March 8, 2012

3 Main Takeaways of the 1st Breitbart Video

I have to admit, when I first saw the videos released by Breitbart & Co. I was a bit confused. It seemed that all it did was reinforce what I already believed to be true and did little (if anything) to convince others to join the Conservative cause.

After doing some deeper research on Andrew Breitbart (aka finishing his book Righteous Indignation) I realized that there is much more to this story. This is most likely the tip of a much bigger iceberg. There are 3 main takeaways you should have from this video's release and the subsequent reaction.

First- You have to understand who Derrick Bell is. He is not a Martin Luther King, Jr civil rights activist. In fact, he's the direct opposite. Where King was a uniter, Bell was a divider. Bell, who took an "unpaid leave of absence" at Harvard Law didn't do so because he was standing up for equality. As Thomas Sowell, Standford professor and all-around smart guy put it, Bell doesn't just mean black as in skin color but "those who are really black, not those who think white and look black. And so what he is really saying is he wants ideological conformity in the people that are hired to fill this position." Furthermore, Bell's creation, "Critical Race Theory",  is rooted in the idea the laws and policies are created to uphold white supremacy. At the very least, Bell's ideals are controversial and likely not the way the majority of American view our country.

Second- Our Commander in Chief, Barack Obama, is seen not only embracing this controversial figure but also encouraging the audience to "open their heart and open their minds" to him. This SHOULD be a red flag. The media incessantly covered the pastors of both Rick Santorum and Rick Perry- drawing conclusions that they were crazed evangelicals. You would think that a controversial person like Derrick Bell would at least drum up some basic investigation by a supposed "objective" media, right? Especially if the President was urging people to open their hearts to the guy...

Third- This is where Breitbart turns the tables on the media, and they completely miss the punchline. Perhaps the biggest reveal of this video is the additional footage of Charles Ogletree laughingly saying that "WE obviously hid this throughout the 2008 campaign". So this footage was purposefully hidden? If it's a harmless video, then why hide it? And who does he mean by "WE"? Is he referring to himself and the President? Was it the campaign staff? This is a story that deserves looking into, but the liberal media simply glides over it. Soledad O'Brien, who continues to be a pretentious bitch, is so blinded by her left leanings that she doesn't even see the story that's slapping her across the face (:50).

This story isn't JUST about who Obama "palled" around with. It's about the media's hypocrisy and "nothing to see here" attitude when it comes to covering their guys.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post Joe. Obama has spent his entire life associating with, and supporting, the radical left. We know of his close ties to William Ayers and Jeremiah Wright. Now, we're learning about Obama's involvement in "The Love Song of Saul Alinksy" and his relationship with Derrick Bell. The evidence is piling up and it's showing what we already knew. Obama is a far left radical determined to bring European-style socialism to the United States.

    Of course, the media is quick to try to sweep all of this under the rug, because it flies in the face of the Obama narrative. They want us to believe that the president is moderate who is being unfairly attacked by conservatives. What they are doing is absolutely sickening.
